Monday, November 12, 2012


Wish i could figure out how to rotate not finding an option:(                             
Ryker and his Seahawks Pumpkin he had me carve

Kayden and her Kitty

getting ready for the Ragggedy Ann transformation

Raggedy Ann is on the road:)

Halloween costumes

tutu purses

Someone called and asked if I made tutu purses ...i hadn't seen one before so i threw this Blue one together ...then made more to sell ....they have been a great hit :)

cheer order of 50 tutus ...yeahhhh

Was so excited to get a big order from the city cheer squad ....they needed tutus for their half time performance, for tournament:)

Morton Loggers Jubilee

Morton log show this summer was a hit, after the being blown away at Buckley log show and having to close down:(